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April 22, 2008


Insurance Advice Free Quotes

As an agent, they must learn how to communicate effectively with client. A training course would be good for them, this is to be sure they could do their clients instructions and wont have any problem in the future.


Good article. Here is another excellent article on buying insuance that can help agents.



I agree with the court's decision with having to communicate with the client. I own a life insurance brokerage in Fort Myers and I cannot stress enough to my agents that communication about the clauses and riders of a policy can make or break the deal.

Especially when you are dealing with the policy holder's family after their passing, if they see a discrepancy they will sue without hesitation.


Toronto life insurance broker

Interesting article. I am dealing Life Insurance Canada by a well-known broker, so I know something about it. What the court has noted is absolutely true, but I suppose everybody expects that from us. Communication is essential in this business!

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