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June 22, 2009


City Insurance

I do agree that internet is the medium with its unlimited reach around the world is also a powerful medium, companies are posting and marketing themselves online. As you asked for the example there are numerous examples like http://www.b2butopia.com/item/insurance-services.html. But the thing is that it should be promoted online.

Mike Elman

I think items like GoogleWave (when it is available) is going to take the wiki technology to another level. Wiki's allow multiple users (thousands) to collaborate. Imaging the users having the ability to define the services they receive? Imaging using that for the health care debate? Fantastic! Unreal possibilities.

Ryan Hanley

I think the internet is a fantastic tool for insurance professionals to use for establishing expertise (i.e. blog, news, interactive advice). I have created a separate website www.ryanhanley.com from our agencies website in an attempt to establish my own industry expertise.

Lemore Aizenman

I am an insurance broker myself. My health insurance is through Kaiser. I was very happy to see that doctors and staff now have access you medical records and information available online. Patients also have the ability to log in and communicate directly with their doctor now. I love it. It makes it so much easier to communicate and manage your health care.

Derik Tutt

The internet is powerful and we use it daily in our businesses but I don't see it becoming as powerful as other fields have made it to be for themselves.

insurance license

Sorry, the article is here: http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196603941

insurance training

I found one! Read this news article. I have been involved with one such company that was developing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) System. Not only would it digitize the patient records, simplify practice management for physicians and make patients life easy when looking for prescription refills but it would also digitized health records and be able to interact with insurance companies, verify insurance status and much more. There will definitely be more advancement, as you can see from the article BlueCross has taken it one step further.

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